Geoengineering could lower greenhouse gas concentrations, provide options for reducing specific climate impacts, or offer strategies of last resort if abrupt, 


Geoengineering (literally "Earth-engineering") is the currently fashionable term for making large-scale interventions in how the planet works to slow down or reverse the effects of climate change. In theory, the word "geoengineering" could be used to describe almost any large-scale scheme for tackling climate change.

Untested  18 Apr 2019 Geoengineering aims to alleviate the impact of climate change through the deliberate large scale intervention or manipulation of the earth's  9 Jul 2020 Geoengineering (literally "Earth-engineering") is the currently fashionable term for making large-scale interventions in how the planet works to  11 Mar 2019 Injecting aerosols into the stratosphere could help cool the planet, but scientists have yet to study exactly how such solar geoengineering would  5 Mar 2019 Geoengineering threatens global peace and security. Some technologies have significant potential to be weaponized. Deploying Solar Radiation  25 Feb 2014 Geoengineering schemes aimed at staving off the worst effects of climate change wouldn't do much to ease the situation and could actually  The Coastal and Marine Geology geotechnical group investigates the causes of ground deformation and ground failure as a result of earthquakes, storms, and  21 Nov 2019 Geoengineering is also called climate engineering or climate intervention. It is the planned intervention in the Earth's climate with the intention  20 Sep 2020 Geoengineering proposals generally fall into two categories: removing carbon from the atmosphere, or shielding Earth from solar radiation. The  Geoengineering eller Climate engineering är idéer, koncept, teorier och Det finns många olika strategier som ryms i begreppet Geoengineering, dock kan de  Begreppet "geoengineering" (GE) avser en storskalig och avsiktlig manipulering av en planets klimat. Det har på senare år kommit att  Geoengineering, såsom koldioxidinfångning från atmosfären eller flygutsläpp av solreflekterande partiklar i atmosfären, har de senaste åren  where her thesis was titled The Emergent Politics of Geoengineering.

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Benefiting from climate geoengineering and corresponding remedial duties: the case of unforeseeable harms. C Heyward. Journal of Applied Philosophy 31 (4), | 4 888 följare på LinkedIn. Geoengineer is the international information center for geotechnical engineering and related fields. Geoengineering, att ingenjörsmässigt manipulera jordens klimat, har länge varit kontroversiellt och tabubelagt. Men nu lyfter till och med FN:s  Att leka Gud!: om klimatdebatten, geoengineering och en ny världsordning (Heftet) av forfatter Pia Hellertz. Pris kr 269. advancing the mitigation of Climate Change and Global Warming through Geoengineering education and research

Pris: 180 kr. inbunden, 2019.


Geoengineering, news media and metaphors: Framing the controversial. Matti Luokkanen, Suvi Huttunen, Mikael Hilden · Helsingfors universitet.


23-30. Nyckelord [en]. Geoengineering; Climate change; Focus groups; Social representations; Public engagement. Nationell ämneskategori. Publications · Phasing out fossil gas power stations in Europe by 2030 · Analysing marine geoengineering technologies · Climate and Health · Geoengineering  Vi har ingen information att visa om den här sidan. Benefiting from climate geoengineering and corresponding remedial duties: the case of unforeseeable harms.

I takt med att klimatkrisen  54, 2015. The last chance to save the planet? An analysis of the geoengineering advocacy discourse in the public debate. J Anshelm, A Hansson. Geo-engineering facts.
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2011-02-18 ge·o·en·gi·neer·ing.

Scientists agree that cutting global greenhouse emissions as soon as possible will be key to tackling global warming. But some researchers are now calling for more research into measures that could be taken alongside emissions cuts, including – controversially – the use of “solar geoengineering” technologies. Geo-engineering is het opzettelijk grootschalig ingrijpen in de natuurlijke systemen van de aarde, met als doel klimaatverandering, en meer specifiek de opwarming van de aarde tegen te gaan. The origins of geoengineering lie in 19th century efforts to combat drought by conjuring rain, and later attempts by the U.S. military to engage in “climatological warfare.” As one of the highest ranking programmes in its field, the Master’s Programme in Geoengineering provides world-class education in the disciplines of geotechnical engineering, highway engineering and rock engineering.
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As a response to unsatisfactory carbon emissions reductions, David discusses geo-engineering: the act of intentionally adjusting Earth's climate to counterac

Publications · Phasing out fossil gas power stations in Europe by 2030 · Analysing marine geoengineering technologies · Climate and Health · Geoengineering  Vi har ingen information att visa om den här sidan. Benefiting from climate geoengineering and corresponding remedial duties: the case of unforeseeable harms.

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The origins of geoengineering lie in 19th century efforts to combat drought by conjuring rain, and later attempts by the U.S. military to engage in “climatological warfare.”

There is growing scientific interest in solar geoengineering as a possible means of combating climate change in conjunction with emissions cuts.