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Type the IP address of the TANDBERG MXP system that the software upgrade is going to be done from (for instance in a standard browser, such as Internet Explorer 6.0. 2012-2021 … Title: Tandberg Mxp Manual Author: Subject: Tandberg Mxp Manual Keywords: tandberg, mxp, manual Created Date Tandberg 880 MXP User Guide Storing a pre-set • Moving the camera between people can be slow. Alternatively, you can pre-set camera views and move between them. • To set a new preset, press and hold the number key you want that particular camera position to be set at.

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TANDBERG 770/880/990 MXP. 2.1 Unpacking and Mounting. The TANDBERG 770/ 880/990 MXP consists of the following items: Videoconferencing system with built-in camera. Table Microphone. Remote Control. Batteries. User Manual on CD. Cables. Place the system centrally, on top of the monitor, close to the front and ensure it is stable.

As part of compliance with the European WEEE Directive, TANDBERG provides recycling information on request for all types of new equipment put on the market in Europe after August 13th 2005.